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March 26, 2010

Penumbra Overture (ENG/PC)

Penumbra Overture (ENG/PC)

Penumbra Overture |PC| 326 MB
Horror Games a special genre. Perhaps most important to them the atmosphere. However, until recently, the action horror game has been constrained by technical limitations, which filled gameplay offensive cliche. The whole nightmare sometimes boiled down to a predictable and they are ca a ak jump.

Penumbra brought the genre is not only an amazing three dimensional graphics and realistic physics, but also an entirely different principle of interaction with game environments. The actions of the player is directly tied to management tools. In this game there is hitherto inaccessible to slightly open the door or not until the end of drawers, shake out the objects from a bucket or throw something at the enemy.
Penumbra Overture (ENG/PC)
Penumbra Overture (ENG/PC)
Genre: Action / Adventure / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Frictional Games
Publisher: Lexicon Entertainment
Platform: PC

System requirements:
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Processor: 1Ghz CPU
Memory: 256MB RAM
Disc Space: 1 GB Free Hard drive space
Video Card: ATI Radeon 8500/NVIDIA GeForce 3

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